“We couldn’t believe how exciting and fun these [group] classes were, but mostly, how they helped enhance children’s general development, social skills and confidence,
and build a solid foundation in music.”
—— Sassy Mama
Our time-tested methodologies over the past 7 years have consistently delivered positive outcomes, helping hundreds of young musicians get a head start on instrumental learning!

Group Music Exploration Classes
Our bespoke group music exploration classes are designed for the astute parent looking to prepare their child for a life-long enjoyment of learning music.
Our Group Music Exploration course, consisting of five levels (M.int Buds, M.int Seeds, M.int Seedlings, M.int Sprouts, M.int Leaves), is designed to precede and be taken alongside instrumental lessons, to form an unrivalled, balanced, and comprehensive musical education that will give your child a lifelong enjoyment of music!
The musicianship portion for all five levels will be conducted using Kodály-inspired methodology. Zoltán Kodály was a Hungarian musician and pedagogue who created a world-renowned approach that specialises in child-friendly game-based learning. Through songs and rhymes, students will be introduced to key musicianship skills (including pulse, pitch, rhythm, musical memory and inner hearing), which are the essential foundations for all young musicians.
Our Sprouts and Leaves courses will also allow students to add to their blossoming musical awareness by learning about different instruments through famous musical pieces, while developing appreciation and a deeper understanding of the classical music genre. Students will also be introduced to the basics of music theory, which will go hand-in-hand with starting a musical instrument.
Start your little ones off on a lifelong M.usical journey today!